Sunday, October 12, 2008

Perky Mat: 2001_Ink&ColorPencil_Drawing3 by Carol Hershey

10/12/08_Poem by Betina Hershey Russo


Imagine me curled up
On a perfect Sunday afternoon
In October, lovely, fresh, still-warm October,
Covered with the puffiest blue blanket,
About to fall asleep on my bamboo mat.

And imagine my ears
Hearing silence, curious silence
Free of guitar plucks, free of rewind, play,
Rewind, play, scribble, scribble.

Yes, imagine me peeking
With my bulging ear-eyes
Around corners, over furniture,
Right at you on the bed,
Happily, importantly typing away.

Later, in your panicked rush, you wondered
Where the time went
But I know. I saw,
Even in my sleep.


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