Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cosmic Creature: 1985+89_ColorPencil_Cosmic Creature by Carol Hershey

10/7/08_Poem by Betina Hershey Russo

Cosmic Creature

I have my skirts, my beads, my flounce
My antennas are combed, my face raised
And those brain waves, soul waves, creation juices
They are turned on, sizzling with peaks and valleys!
Call me cosmic gypsy creature,
Gyrating planetary thing,
Mystical insect reflecting the sky line,
Call me anything at all, but oh, I'm so glad
You always do call me.
My wires are ready to be crossed and tapped
And tickled by your life, by this crazy galaxy.
The stars are out like tarot cards.
I'll read them to you.
And you... oh... you are
So beautiful to me.
Jangle. Swirl. Om. Dip. Brush.

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